However, it's nice to spend one on one time with my little man, Jason. He is now 21 months old and never ceases to put a smile on your face. Jason loved having his daddy and sister around. He started saying, "Daddy!" He is so full if enthusiasm to tell you things but the words get jumbled. Jason is more of a phrase guy instead of single words. The new phrases are, "Here it is," "There it is," "thank You" and of course "see ya later!"
My favorite is his nonverbal way of saying he loves you. He will come over and put his head on your shoulder, lap or leg. Jason also will wave for me to come. He will yell "Mom" and look back waving his fingers for me to follow. Jason tells you to look at things too.
Laura is also doing remarkable things. Her report card was all A's and the comments were absolutely mind blowing. All the teachers love her in class, she helps her classmates, respects the teacher, helps clean the class and enthusiastic for learning. A week before Thanksgiving, she was given the Respect award from her teacher. Luckily, parents are invited and encouraged to attend. I never miss it.
In fact, I was later than I usually am, but still on time. When she saw me, her entire face lit up like a Christmas angel. My eyes actually filled with tears to see how happy I made her just by being there.
Laura is in second grade but now reading at a third and fourth grade level. At night, she reads over an hour before falling asleep. She told me this morning that she was almost out of chapter books so I picked three up at the library. I wonder how long it'll take her. Jason didn't make it easy to look. He wanted me to follow him and look at everything in the room.
During break, Jeff and I got to spend time together as well. We went to the movies, shopping, and just out together. He was happy to pass level one in nursing. Now he is into level two so we will see how that goes.
I'm just trying to keep all happy and healthy plus keep a clean, organized house. There are times I feel lost in all the chaos and unsure my role exactly for who and what. It's funny but I'm definitely a full time mommy and wife but sometimes I have that career itch. Am I a writer, teacher, speaker? I do a little bit of all three but none to the level I feel I should be at. I want to write everyday, send letters to talk and so on. But there's not enough time in the day plus relax too. It's just a weird limbo type feeling.